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US Gambling Refund

Tax Refund Calculator

Tax Refund Calculator For Determining IRS Refunds

Attention CANADIAN Gamblers:  Calculate the amount of gambling winnings taxes you are entitled to claim back from the Internal Revenue Service. This IRS tax calculator is NOT applicable for international gamblers. International gamblers from treaty countries receive a full US tax recovery from the Internal Revenue Service. 


If you are Canadian and fulfill all of the eligibility requirements for an IRS tax refund of your gambling winnings taxes withheld, then use the tax refund calculator below. The fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory for the IRS tax calculator to compute the estimated value of your IRS tax refund. For increased accuracy, input all the values in US dollars.

Disclaimer: This is solely an estimation tool and should be used accordingly. The estimated IRS tax refund is based on the values you input into the tax refund calculator. The IRS may not refund the exact amount shown on this tax refund calculator. We cannot and do not guarantee the applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. Depending on the specifics of your claim, the IRS may refund more money, less money or disapprove your tax claim entirely.

IRS Tax Refund
  • Tax Refund Calculator
  • IRS Tax Calculator
  • IRS Refunds

Amount of gambling winnings*: $

Amount of gambling losses in the same year as your gambling win*: $

Amount of gambling winnings taxes withheld*: $

Estimated IRS tax refund (in USD): $